18 th Nordic Process Control Workshop
August 20-23, 2013, Oulu, Finland

August 20 & 21, Tutorial days

Simple realizable predictive control algorithmswith focus on Predictive Functional Control
Prof. Dr. Robert Haber,
Cologne University of Applied Sciences

August 22 & 23, 18th, Nordic Process Control Workshop

Welcome to Oulu, the capital of Northern Finland!
Engineers from the industry, researchers from the academia and
students are invited to submit contributions in the field of
process modelling, simulation, control and optimization

Keynote speaker:

2013 Nordic Process Control Award winner
Professor James B. Rawlings
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Call for paper pdf


The recommended and maximum poster size is 1.47 meters wide and 1.47 meters tall. There are a lot of instructions in the Internet how to make a good poster. We prefer the A0 size.
Posters can be set up from Thursday 22nd from 8.00 a.m. onwards on the screens that are located in the main conference hall, Saalasti. You have to bring and place it on yourself. The conference staff will assist you if necessary. Posters will be present during the whole conference.

The conference program includes the poster session on Friday 23rd 11:10-12:15. Additionally, the conference participants can explore the posters during breaks. Thus, we kindly recommend that the poster presenters should stay along the poster at least one time per day and give it to those who are interested.

If you have anything to ask, please contact conference staff.


Please follow these instructions when preparing your contribution:

    • abstract (1 page)
    • extended abstract (1-2 pages)
    • full paper (preferably 5-10 pages)

Sample paper for full paper
Sample paper for abstract


  • All contributions must be submitted and presented in English.
  • Accepted papers will be presented in either poster sessions or oral sessions, please indicate Your wish while submitting the paper.


By March 31, 2013 - Submission of contributions
to Laura Niva: laura.niva@oulu.fi
with subject line NPCW <AuthorFamilyname>
(a confirmation reply will be sent within 2-3 days of receiving the paper).

By April 26, 2013 - Notification of acceptance
(and presentation in poster / oral session) will be sent to authors after peer-reviewing process.
By May 17, 2013 - Submission of final abstract/paper
(as appearing in proceedings) to Laura Niva: laura.niva@oulu.fi